July 27, 2016

Benjamin Francis Leftwich | Vancouver

The smaller the venue, the better the show. That's my opinion. That's not to say that larger venues make for terrible shows. However, I am forever impartial to a lesser capacity venue not just because of the more affordable ticket price, but also because of the incomparable intimacy you get in exchange.

July 22nd, 2016 was a day of firsts. It was my first time at The Media Club, my fist time getting to shoot a gig with a DSLR, and above all, my first time seeing Benjamin Francis Leftwich live. I'm telling you now, none of these first times disappointed in any way whatsoever. Especially, the part involving the musician from Yorkshire, England who proved to sound the same (if not better) live than on record.

July 20, 2016

Cold Summer Outfit

Some of you may be disappointed with the weather this summer and the dilemma of what to wear when it's cloudy, rainy, and the temperature is in the twenties. I have been in that position on many occasions, so this post talks about finding the right balance in your outfit to get through it, in particular finding the perfect jacket for that kind of weather. My perfect jacket is the one shown above. I've received so many compliments about it, I thought I'd share with all of you one of the more dressed up outfits I wear it in.

July 13, 2016

Tiny Poems from Once Before

For someone who feels a lot, and for someone who has built a home amidst words, it seems natural to bleed poetry. Though most days at present, it is not as common for me to write, the format of my thoughts remain akin to free verse. Sadly enough, it is rare for me to put pen to paper nowadays (a tendency I'm working to revert). However, there was a period of time in which I was consistently spewing out lines left and right. 

These words have always been profoundly personal; they ring true as an amalgamation of my thoughts and feelings during times when I felt the need for release. In truth, I never thought these would see the light of day, but in hopes of showing you more of myself, I am sharing a few tiny poems with you. From me in the past, and me right now, to you.  

July 6, 2016

Favorite Humans

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer! I thought for this blog post I'd do something a little bit different and share with you some of my favorite humans. These three ladies (that I somewhat attempted to draw -- hopefully with no offense to any of them) are truly remarkable people coming from different generations, all of whom I adore. They have such unique stories, so different from one another, but are women that share so many similarities; one being that they have been, and still are such inspirations to many, including myself.