April 26, 2017

Portraits and Skylines

Surprise! Rolling into our arsenal are some new commission types that you can now order.

April 19, 2017

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Over the years I have come across a number of bible verses that have resonated with me. Some I came across during events at church then wrote down in my journal and some from when my sister and I read the daily readings during Lent. I find when I am lost amidst earthly distractions, there is always a verse that corresponds and answers my questions. With Easter finally coming this week and I thought it would be nice to share a few with all of you. 

April 12, 2017

Kaleo and Judah & the Lion | Vancouver

Dear Orpheum theatre, it's been a while. You were my first concert venue in Vancouver, and man, were you a rush. Thinking about you gives me a sense of wonder and incites a nostalgically soundtracked montage in my head. You set the bar pretty high as far as venues go. And although these past several years, I have grown to love smaller more intimate places, I will never not want to keep walking back into your open doors and looking up at your opulently grandeur ceiling. Last week, on April 4th, 2017, I came back to you in a fit of excitement to see Kaleo and Judah & the Lion. I was a mix of giddy elation and nervous anticipation. 

April 5, 2017

The New Age

Upon waking up to start a new day, a lot of teenagers have quite similar morning routines. Other than pressing snooze on our dreaded alarms the rest consists of turning on our phones, checking social media, reading and replying to texts, and looking through missed calls. Already within the first few minutes of our day we have been subjected to three forms of communication; all of which are digital.